In the first part of the interview with Msdi, he discussed AUC-based monitoring for vancomycin and its adoption by institutions and its value in dosing. (See the article below.)
Read more: Looking at the Slow Adoption of AUC-Based Monitoring for Vancomycin
In this segment, Msdi talks about using a unique approach that estimates the AUC for vancomycin using non trapezoidal equations. He says the equations are not novel but rather uncommon and he discovered them during his fellowship.
“I think it’s an attention issue—not complexity—because they are not very complex to do, but there is just not much published for us pharmacists to see how to use them, and what’s the outcome of that?” Msdi said.
He also likes this approach as it helps describe drug kinetics.
Back in the fall, Msdi coauthored an article on the topic and provided information on the equations behind vancomycin dosing utilizing this approach. (See the article below.)
Read More: Optimizing Vancomycin Therapy: A Review of AUC Calculation Techniques